Monday, November 19, 2012

a september sunday

having found a new hike while out with a dear friend, i was anxious to return with my family.  and on a sunday in september we did.  we drove the cruiser to the base of mt. winchester, and i am pretty sure that was scotts favorite part, driving up steep slopes, along the rocky terrian.  we exit the truck and look up, we can see the flag on the top of the mountain and i show the girls where we are headed.  shorts and backpacks, snacks and the promise of gum at the top, we encountered snow, rocky slopes, switchbacks, and the feeling of our first family summit.  it was amazing.

[getting ready to head out...and then we found snow]

[nothing like a little alpine meadow to stroll through]

[mt. larabee in the background]

[summit excitement]

[our first family summit photo]

[heading down, maybe more majestic then the views going up]

while climbing down i asked each girl on their own what their favorite part was, that is my need to debrief every experience coming out.  each one answered with an excited, "the gum mom, the gum is the best part."  awesome.  i did catch scott whispering in their ears on a switchback that their mama was so proud of them, and i was.  it was a blessing to share some of my favorite moments with my family, to share a part of my heart with them that they don't often get to be apart of.  there is no one other that i would rather do this with.  it was a moment i will not soon forget.  our first peak together.  i wait, not so patiently for our next one.

location:  baker wilderness area
mountain: mt. winchester
total length: 4.2 miles round trip
elevation gain/loss: +1,300 ft
summit elevation: 6,521 ft