Friday, October 26, 2012

f o u r

our little miss penelope anne is four.  four, it seems so huge, so grown up.  and yet she remains my littlest girl.  she told me that when she turned four she wouldn't need to be carried any more, my heart almost broke on the spot.  since that time she has been in my arms more times than i can remember, she has been kissed more deliberately and tucked into bed more carefully.  she seems so small in some moments and in others, her legs hang below my knee caps when she is held, her printing is out of this world and her sense of adventure rivals most.

i can't stand this growing up thing.  it hurts my heart.  i long for the days to go a little slower, for the moments we have together to linger a little longer, for those times she still falls asleep in my arms to last a moment more.  she is growing out of her boston accent, and losing that timid shy self.  she is becoming more and more, each day, the girl that God has created.  and in the same breath that i say i can't stand it, i rejoice in it. i rejoice as i watch her make good choices, as she develops a character that is lovely and beautiful.  i rejoice in her love for the Lord, in her urgency as she prays for others in need and without the Father.  i weep even as i write this, i just love this little girl.  her heart and her spirit, her passion and strong will, though it often gets her in trouble i admire her strength.
she is a funny little girl and can laugh so deeply it moves us all to stitches.  she could care less if she gets in trouble and yet can't hold a lie in her heart.  she will hold your hand in every moment as long as she can be beside you and she will chat, without ceasing.  she is okay to play on her own and at the same time can't stand the moments that her sister is away from her.  she love cheetahs and flamingos and most days she will come with the request to be your pet baby cheetah.  you don't have to do much as the mama, just enable her to crawl on all fours and hunt for food.  she has requested to be a nurse for the people when she grows up and has also stated that she will have me over for tea when she has her own house.  her plan at this moment in time is to be a mom to over one hundred children.  i think she will make an amazing mom.

grow in faith and truth sweet girl.  know the Father well and the love that He has for you.  He is ever faithful. i love every moment i get to spend with you pen pen and though i hate that you are growing up i look forward to watching you follow the desires of your heart as you follow the plans that the Lord has for you.  choose well, stand strong in your passions, love deeply and never loose the urgency with which you pray with.


kelly ens said...

SO well written, my friend. your penny...she's amazing. i SO enjoyed writing this, the way your heart just pours into your posts.
happy birthday, penny!

franks said...

Happy birthday Penny! You are so special. I remember our chats (early on in your life) by the impressed me then and you impress me now. You are very lucky to have the mama that you do!!!

Corinna. I'm really starting to "get" the growing up heart ache/excitement dilemma. It's so hard (I cry often as I fold up pieces of clothes that he has outgrown. I laugh sometimes when I see how tiny some of the things were). It happens so fast. Much too fast. And yet, here they are: little people. Who are going to do some important things in this world. And we get to be a part of we learn to let go.

PS - awesome cake my friend!

Unknown said...


I am SO SORRY I didn't fully have my attention on realizing who you were on the ferry tonight! As soon as we got home to Victoria, I said to Joel "her last name isn't Werdal, is it?" as if I had realized at the time I totally would have known who you were! Aaahhhh! I am so sorry! I have secretly admired you from afar through Carleigh & Jenne's blogs and what-not and here you were face to face and I barely had the wherewithall to say hello while trying to scramble down to our car with the brood and my gigantic belly! Aaahhhhh..... anyway. I hope our paths cross again. That would be such a lovely day. Just had to pop in and say hello.... again. xo

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