Friday, November 23, 2012

othello tunnels

one of the biggest reasons why we homeschool is so that we have an opportunity to explore and experience life with these lovely people.  we are each others community, each others teachers, friends and strength.  we get to travel life together, we are able to speak into each others lives and walk hardships together.  we pray together, laugh together and weep together.  we help teach these kids through our own love for each other and through the words of Jesus.

as so, we teach and explore, we engage in experiential learning, we become wilderness explorers.  we spent a month or so doing nature scavenger hunts, hikes, journals, and west coast animal reports.  the final leg of this unit was a trip to othello tunnels where we used our senses to discover the world around us and our legs to carry us through it.  our noses were cold and our fingers were froze, but we do it because we love it, we love to teach our kids and watch them find Jesus in all that is around them.

this is them, our "my class" crew.  i kinda love them all, all eleven kids with two more on the way and three mamas.


kelly ens said...

LOVE those cute backpacks!
what fun - love othello :)

Unknown said...

Finally I've found something which helped me