Sunday, December 4, 2011

on long car rides

many conversations happen in our car.
today was no different.
abbotsford to horseshoe bay
that is a long drive.
and when your sister is asleep, i suppose your thoughts grow bigger and bigger.
sophie (s): "mom when we die and live with Jesus, will it still be here?"
mom (m): "sophie we don't know much about what will happen when we die. we do know that if we believe and love Jesus, then we will spend eternity, that means forever, with Him. where that is, i don't know, i don't know what heaven looks like or where it is, i don't know if it will look like this world or not."
(s): but we know that matty is there, right mom.
(m): yes sophie, matty is there. and he doesn't hurt there. we are told in the Bible that when we are with Jesus there will be no sin, and when there is no sin there is no sadness, no pain, no tears. pretty amazing hey.
(s): yeah mom, and charlee will be there too.
(m): as long as charlee loves Jesus, she will be there too.
(s): mom, charlee will always love Jesus.
(s): mom, what is that big black smoke over there?
(m): that's called pollution sophie. when we make things there is often energy used and needed and then what is not used goes up a big chimney and out into our air. it is like when people throw garbage on the ground, that is called litter, well that smoke is litter in the air.
(s): gross mom, why do we do that?
(m): i don't know soph, but we can try not to, we can try to remember that everything we do makes a difference for our world. (i think i lost her here).
big questions,
i feel like i only have little answers.
i wonder what else she thinks about in her day.

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