Tuesday, December 13, 2011

a five year old now

sophie turned five on monday. sunday night i ventured into their room after we had said our goodnights, i wasn't ready to leave her just yet. i climbed into bed with her and asked if we could have one more conversation while she was still four. with a big smile on her face, she answered with excitement that that was exactly what she wanted to do. we chit chatted, giggled at her sister snoring and then i asked her not to turn five. she assured me she would and seemed very eager for the morning to come, so i asked if she would run into my room and yell that she was now five...she agreed. we hugged, kissed, maybe i didn't let go. morning came. she turned five. she is already talking about what she will do when she is six. man i love that girl. i love her spirit, her enthusiasm and her excitement of life. she is full, full of life, beans, and Jesus. today she said, "mom, if i push on my heart, i will push on Jesus." penny replied "yeah dad told us that." quickly sophie answered "no penny, i thought of that myself." i love that. i love her. she is five...are you serious. our five year old went down the water slide at the pool on sunday for her birthday party. she would flip herself around so she would come down head first on her tummy. she dragged miss jenne to the top with her, and she won't stop talking about it. she ate a tinker bell cake and played with those she loves. we are blessed beyond words. and we have a five year old. we went for a family walk tonight, bundled in our sweaters, mitts on, crisp cool night on our cheeks, warm drinks in hand...all four of us. we quickly found out that penny is not the best at walking and drinking and that sophie can not get enough of us all together. i may have been praying the whole time that a few snowflakes would fall...that would have completed the night (in my opinion). sophie asked if we could do this every night. i would like to. her smile and laughter filled my heart. penny held my hand and i loved every step we took. these days have been good.


franks said...

Happy birthday to my little friend Sophie! Wish we could be there to party with you.

Corinna...again...your writing is beautiful.

kelly ens said...

so sorry we had to miss the party! :( she is such a sweet little 5-year-old. we think she is fantastic.
so are you :)