Sunday, December 18, 2011

just thoughts

not that this is a new thought. but maybe it is. perspective really. i was challenged this morning, in my understanding of christmas, in my outlook. i can be overwhelmed with the thoughts of christmas, with the expectations of the season over the purpose of the celebration. but today my heart sank and tears ran down my cheeks as i listen to a man explain without hesitation that i am way off base. i feel as though my soul needs a large sign over it "warning: under construction". we have a choice to make, it can be only one of two things, there is no third option, and that is either that we believe in Jesus and thus celebrate christmas, or we do not and therefore do not celebrate christmas. for in its original intention this thing that we celebrate was to bring into the world the baby who was Jesus and for only one purpose, to die that we may live. He was born of a woman and so fully human, yet given by the Holy Spirit and so fully God, which to me seems so incredible. He did not come that we may give gifts or eat turkey, He did not come so that we may have a romantic and beautiful day without tensions or quarrel, He came fully perfect as a perfect sacrifice. His intention from the beginning was to die, He was an offering, an offering not because of my sin but in spite of my sin so that i may live. it is not for the traditions, the christmas trees, the songs and warm feelings, it is not to be about family and happy feelings. happiness in no way compares to joy and joy is experienced upon knowing Jesus. christmas is Jesus, christmas is joy, and it is celebrated with the cross shadowing over it. from the moment He was born His life was pursued for death be it herod or the cross, His life was pursued. and yet i forget. i feel caught. caught in the expectations, caught in the traditions and i forget. not that i forget the birth, i remember that, i forget the enormity of the birth. i focus on making one day beautiful instead of embracing the truth, which i do not deserve, and the reality that without Jesus there will always be tension and unpleasantness, that is sin. so, "warning: under construction" is the sign i wear around my neck and over my soul. these are my thoughts as i am challenged to see what christmas was intended for instead of the traditions we expect of it and are expected for it. these are my thoughts as i experience the joy that is christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.


kelly ens said...

It's good to recognize being under construction. We all are, but not all of us realize it.
thanks for these thoughts.

Russ and Carmen said...

Good words, Corinna. I like the way you put this. Makes me think, too.

rachel joy said...

good words, indeed. Thank you for sharing.

carleigh davey said...

thank you sweet lady.
oh and i just might need a sign too.

miss you.

franks said...

Thank you.

And I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating and being thankful.