Wednesday March 31,
left for the island to visit family and friends. we had ten days to share together, to create memories and to celebrate the reason we live.
Thursday April 1,
spent the day with my dad down in vicotria at sitting lady falls. one of my favorite places to be. i have walked this trail since i was little, sometimes by myself, sometimes with family, sometimes with friends. this day we shared our hearts on relationships and explored the beauty of this place.

first ever scrabble night. exciting, and intense this game saw my mom with eyes closed at the end and scott and i's ability to communicate about being treated as the younger happens sometimes.

Saturday, April 3,
lunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house. the triangle sandwiches that we all love. the pickles and cheese buns that make you feel at home. the afternoon was wonderful as always. i do love these two with all my heart. the night brought with it rides on a lawn mower. no better way, i discovered, to have a good laugh, especially with the mower is taken through a pot hole.
Sunday April 4,
the first ever easter egg hunt. with friends and baskets close in hand, i must say it was a pretty great experience.

(i would like to point out that Sharon has convinced all the kids that the middle of the creme eggs are real yokes and therefore has a nice little pile of them right by her side...sneaky and smart)

Tuesday, April 6,

a day with our friends chris and sharon. it is a blessing to have friends that stick by you through the years. i think it funny that i would gush to sharon about my infatuation with scott...and that she put up with me. this day found us exploring the back country of their lands. conversations involved the beauty of and responsibility we have to creation, this all from the seat of a quad.
Wednesday April 7,
we headed to our last stop, parksville.
we shared hearts. we prayed.
Thursday, April 8,
saw the baus. i think the first couple we became friends with who knew us as being married. some of our favorites. i prayed in our first years of marriage that i would find a friend in parksville, and this is who i was sent. i am thankful everyday for them.
Friday April 9,
this day we played. we so enjoy this park, it has seen many dates, dinners, walks, swims, and cuddles. this place is a staple to scott and i. i have to say, i am thankful for this place, it holds many memories.

Saturday, April 10,

our last day on the island. the girls read to kurok, and for me one of my favorite pictures. the island is a bit of home for us and i am so thankful for the friends and family that live there. my heart gets heavy when we leave, but i am also glad we are where we are. we are blessed beyond measure. we have been given such a great treasure in our little family.
sounds pretty wonderful!
the pictures are awesome, as ever - my favorites are the girls laughing at the burdges, in the grass; you coming down the slide; you and the girls coming down the slide :)
you are SO jealous YOU didn't think of the easter "egg" theory!! Sweet post--thanks for making us part of your visit!! love you.
This is such a great post Cor! I was thinking of you through the weekend, wondering how it was all going...looks awesome. You have an insane amount of awesome pictures in that pot...your girls are GORGEOUS!
love all the pics. I miss your girls. and you two as well.
your girlies are so precious! looks like you had a wonderful time on the Island! We sure are enjoying our time here! Can't wait to take Rupert to that park in Parksville! I spent many days of summer at that park when it was still all wooden! Love!
GREAT photos! And awesome memories with friends and family.
Love the ones of the girls back to back on the grass. They are gorgeous. The smiles and twinkling eyes. Happy!
And the park pictures are great too, though it honestly looks like you might lose Penny out of the swing! Wow! Is daddy pushing??
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