Friday, June 8, 2012

that time again

we are about to head out again on a road that we have become very familiar with, a road that offers beauty, peace, and adventure with every bend and hill, with every sand dune and wave break. we are excited. the girls have been counting down. every night before we go to sleep the girls share "secrets" with us. they are the same secrets every night. penny's to me is "i love you with all my heart, and can we always go camping?" my reply is, "always, with marshmallows, and i love you with all my heart." tonight i smiled against her cheek as i whispered in her ear, "we get to buy marshmallows tomorrow!"
and so we are off to the coast, the oregon coast. not as we usually do, there is a difference this year and my heart is a little sad about it, maybe even shed a tear or two yesterday...scott just held me and reminded me that nothing is permanent, and that if this doesn't work out we don't have to sell the van. i asked if we could get another one one day, he smiled as only he could and said, "oh bud, of course we will get another one."
so new moments and memories await, with a new look this year.


kelly ens said...

I almost don't know what to say about that picture...seems so unlike you two. HOWEVER - what wonderful protection it will provide through the Oregon wind & rain :)
have a WONDERFUL time. can't wait to read (or hear!) about it and see the pictures.
happy memory-making!

franks said...

Change is hard. And far too inevitable. It's sad. But exciting.

Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Can't wait (even more so) to join you on one!!!