Wednesday, March 28, 2012

reading together

these are the moments i never want to forget, the moments that make my heart sink and leap all at the same time. i know that they won't read together forever, nor will they always love to sit so close without feeling overwhelmed, but i do pray that they will always be as quick to forgive as they are now, that they will always look at one another with love and adoration. that they will encourage each other and laugh till it hurts together.
i pray that they will push each other to be better than they are, stronger and more lovely. that they will skip with the sun comes out and jump through puddles when it rains. i pray for them, that their joy may be full in the Lord.


kelly ens said...

LOVE the way Penny is looking at Sophie in the bottom left picture :)

franks said...

...and having you as their mother will help them in all those ways, beautiful Corinna Gust.