Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a little mermaid

for the past few months sophie has been practicing for her big day on stage. two shows, one afternoon and one evening each with a special spot just for her and her friends. with makeup on and hair curled we drove to the surrey arts center to watch her first moments under the lights. she was courageous and fearless as she lead her group across the stage to take their places as little mermaids. one little girl expressed to her mom back stage that she sure did like her seashell necklace!
[sophie leading the way]
[a student helper, miss sarah stood with them to help them through]
[right foot tap]
[left foot tap]
[circling up]
[free dance]
it was an interesting experience on the other side. friday evening we dropped her off for a dress rehearsal. she was gone for four hours. which meant penny had us all to herself. we stayed in surrey, poked around and then had timmies for dinner. half way through her bagel, penny asked why sophie wasn't eating hers. we had gotten one for soph to eat after her rehearsal...really, had penny not noticed that her sister wasn't there until the end? her remark, "but mom, sophie isn't eating her dinner" had scott and i with wide eyes and little chuckle, we get used to the norm i suppose. but it seemed like the moment she noticed, she lived it up, singing and chatting with no one to interrupt or tell her what to do.
[curtain call for the first act
sophie is on the far right in front]
it was different, maybe i had a little tear, letting her go and believing that she would be on her best behavior. i really didn't see her at all on saturday, but i was proud of her. she stood well on her own, very independent that one, i guess she always has been.
we were so blessed to have grandma, nana and auntie shantel, matthew and chelly, laura and juliet all come to watch our little ballerina. she is so blessed to have so many truly wonderful people who just love her and choose to support her even if it was for only two minutes.
during her second show, in the evening, the gentleman sitting beside me leaned over and said, "your daughter just stole the show". during her free dance part, she took to the front of the stage and twirled and jumped then twirled and jumped her way across, not missing a beat, and living up to every cheer and clap in the audience. i smiled, nearly got a little sweaty, but laughed back at him and shared that she hasn't got a nervous bone in her body.


kelly ens said...

oh Corinna...you know just how gorgeous she is, right? I LOVE THESE PICTURES. and no doubt, she did a fantastic job. beautiful!

franks said...

I love that I got to see her practice this and now the end result. So cute...love the sea shells!!!

Russ and Carmen said...


Anonymous said...

she's incredible! you can tell she loves it!