Monday, June 20, 2011

following dreams

we often say in this house, "if you never try, you never know."
scott has challenged me to try.
and i want to live by my heart not my fears.
i want to demonstrate to our girls that dreaming is important
that following your heart isn't silly.
i want to live each step of my life in accordance to the word of God
i want to offer all i have to Him.
i believe that our passions are our gifts
and that they come from our Father.
so i tried.
what happens with it doesn't matter,
what matters is that i have a community of people who stood behind me
and told me that i could, that encouraged me and loved me enough to
not let me not try.
a new small adventure then.


rachel joy said...


jenne said...

you. inspire. moi.

but you knew that already. (xo)