Tuesday, October 5, 2010

today you turn two

our beautiful little penny
hard to believe that today you turn two
today we give thanks for you, for who you are and what you offer us as a family.
you are such a blessing to us and though you drive us crazy some days our lives are so much fuller because of you. you have taught me to love a little harder and deeper, you have asked me to be more patient and humble than any other. you have put your all into me, your love, your kindness, gentleness, your compassion and craziness, without ever holding back. you are bold in all your actions and thoughts. you are sure of yourself and of those around you. you know who made you and you give thanks in His name every day. your smile is huge and almost as strong as your pout. you are stubborn, determined and persistent. you are beautiful and lovely.
sweet penelope, these are the mile stones you have achieved by the time you turned two. you can count to twelve, sing your abc's, you know most of your colors, can almost say your full name, you eat at the big table with the rest of your family, sleep in a big girl bed, pee on the potty, and talk non stop. you are determined to do the same as your sister and she encourages your every step toward progress. your favorite game is hide and go seek and babies or kitties. always remember that though these thing help develop you, they do not determine who you are.
our prayer for you beautiful girl is that you continue to love with your whole heart, that you would not be afraid to hurt, that you would show mercy and grace to all those around you. we pray that you would find strength in our Lord, that your character would be built upon His name. we pray that in all you do, you love without hesitation, that you would continue to be bold.
you have blessed our family dear penelope, thank you for always holding our hands, for laughing as hard as you do, for being willing to take adventures with us. thank you for loving us hard, for showing us grace when there are mistakes, for trusting us to help grow you. there is not much i can write to communicate my love and thanksgiving for my family. know these things, your sister and you make my days wonderful. i take pride in watching you read to one another, giggle at night together, create "messes" with each others help. you have helped me develop new dreams and passions, and for that i will be forever thankful.
happy birthday little one. happy birthday.


kelly ens said...

beautifully written, Corinna.
Happy Birthday, Penny!

PS. Wow, she can do a lot of things! Ezra does not have that determination to do things like his sister :) way to go penny!

Russ and Carmen said...

WHAT?!? She's two??? when did that happen? i don't know why, but she was always my favourite baby to hold.

Happy birthday, Penny!