Tuesday, March 3, 2009


are you sure its march? i am not sure what happened to the last month but apparently i was not present for it. i need time to slow down just a little, i feel as though i am missing everything. i think that most of my sentences start or end with "if only i had a few more hours in the day", or "if only i had a little more time". but time has not listened to me yet...it just keeps trekking by, with a big fat smile on its face! my biggest fear is that i won't remember this life, this adventure. i am finding it hard to hold onto my little moments, and remember the ones i had yesterday. so today i take a few minutes to post some pictures in order that i will know what i did in my days, who was important to me, and what it looked like to live here.
the girls
reading together...loving together
my second cake...for dan's 30th birthday party! smurfette, i love that my mom gave me all her old cake pans!
these few are for a friend who thinks it is hilarious that my kid drinks bath tub water...from a face cloth...and then says "ummmmm"
this is my life, this is a piece of my heart, these are the little people who hold it in their hands...who sometimes hurt it, who sometimes drive it crazy...but who are beautiful in every way. i wish i could document more, record our conversations, our songs that we sing, the walks that we take...i hope i don't forget. i hope that i can remember forever that my two year old told me to "listen and obey!" i hope that i will never forget her singing "this little light of mine" as she holds up her finger and waves it around...her favorite part, saying "no" to hiding it under a bush. i hope i can always feel her hands on my face, one on either side as she pulls my head toward hers to kiss my check. i hope the smile that takes up pennys whole face will always make my heart melt a little. i hope that my days, as hard as they can get, will always be full of these beautiful children. i hope that i can spend every one of those days with scott, that we can watch these girls grow, that they will be strong in their faith for the Lord, that they will love each other well and find joy in their lives. i hope...


rachel joy said...

you, my friend, are a gifted writer. I love how you look at your life and the world around you.

smurfette! Paul only said it was a smurf. smurfette totally takes the coolness up a few notches. well done.

sharon said...

i love this post and feel its sentiments exactly tonight....i was able to walk alone tonight and its nice to be quiet and reflect as my day does NOT normally accomodate that luxury--we are very blessed women...thank you for the post...your girls are so beautiful.

megan edelman photography said...

you have got such a lovely pair of little gals...makes me excited for upcoming sister moments in our family. have you read Karen Kingsbury's "let me hold you longer"??? It's a precious story book that looks at reflecting on the "lasts" instead of the firsts...remind me to show it to you. very beautiful post cor.

rachel joy said...

my mom has that book. i told her it's a terrible book. only because it made me cry. :)

Russ and Carmen said...

I appreciate you, Corinna. You are such a blessing! a great Mom and an excellent wife. I have loved getting to know you guys better this last little while. Thanks for all your amazing hospitality.