Friday, January 30, 2009


sometimes i wonder what i did...i was not a rebellious little girl, or even big girl, in fact i say that i still have that stage of rebellion. and yet here i am...enduring days (with very little patience at times) with a beautiful little girl who is at the height (i hope) of rebellion. i gotta say, i love the kid so much, but she drives me a little nutty too! for instance, she was dumping her dinner out of her bowl all over her table top (i was in the kitchen), i saw her and asked her to stop...but she continued, a little bit faster. then i started moving toward her and with incredible speed the child proceeded to shovel as fast as she could her food onto the if she were racing against time...and for what? she knew she was in trouble, so just go for it? and tonight, i was chopping veggies for dinner and a little hand reached up toward the counter and grabbed something, my eyes darted across the cutting board, i knew exactly what she had taken, i told her to give it to me but as i was saying the words she jammed it into her mouth just as fast as she could. i asked her to spit it out into my hand, i went to reach for her mouth to pull it out...she only chewed as fast as she could and swallowed. gross...a rather large chunk of raw onion. to sophies delight, she had it down the hatch before i could get it out. she smiled at me and said "mmmm, good mommy!" scott and i laughed...until tonight. as we were roaring like lions i must have been a bit too close to her face and out came this big roar...her breath smelt so bad, i am having a hard time thinking of how to describe reminded me of when my dad would eat liver and onions...almost enough to make me gag just saying it. and yet she is proud as punch, she got her raw onion and mmm it was good! and yet she is sweet as sweet can be. penelope will be crying and she will take her hand and say "Jesus, love you Jesus, Amen". and when asked who she would like to have for dinner one night, her reply was "ummmm from church, ummmm Jesus". that statement may have brought a little tear to my eye. so the age old question, how do you deal with a girl who may be as stubborn as her mom and as witty as her dad...i suppose a whole lot of patience (which i lack some days...most days). her conversation with scott this morning on the toilet. scott "did you like your little show sophie?" sophie "umm yeah" scott "they were talking about sharing" sophie "yeah" scott "Jesus asks us to share too" sophie "yeah" scott "so are you going to share?" sophie "umm nope!" i just love her, i love her so much it makes me crazy.


kelly ens said...

totally laughing my head off here. ONION breath on a TODDLER!!! GAH!
very cute sayings/convo's she's having :)
thank goodness they're cute eh?

Chels said...

I love her to bits too! She is the funniest little thing ever!

At least she's her own person, and if she rebels against the crowd when she's a teen you will be so thankful!

And if not, I know a place where the braces are free and the food is pretty fancy. I'll hook you up.

Joan said...

Even from miles away you can still make me smile and miss you all incredibly!