saturday was halle's first birthday part, very exciting. we waited all day to put on our party dress and visit our friends. and a great party it was. sophie talked on the play phone for nearly the whole time...is this a look at what is to come...what is it with girls and phones?
sophie getting ready for her party.

a few pictures outside...and with the birthday girl

we wish you a very happy birthday halle and are excited to grow and learn with you each step of the way. after our party we headed to zalinkos for a little bbq action, mmmm good, then home to bed. what a day...what a good day spent with friends and family, sharing in memories and creating new ones.

Sophie looked soo cute in her little party dress!
I'm sorry Marty cut our visit short, and I hope he didn't pass anything on to your family. His little session only lasted 2 hours and he's been fine ever since. Weird.
Anyway, it was great to have you over. You'll have to come back again to get the Norwex stuff you forgot!
She looks like she's aged YEARS since I last saw her... she's looking more and more like a little girl!
Be prepared: a lot of 8 year olds are asking for cell phones for x-mas now...
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