scott has been a really wonderful dad. starting at the birth, he held my hand and sat with me through every moment, he held her tightly and watched her for hours as she just sat in wonder of this new little world she had just entered. he prayed for her during her first few minutes with us and thanked our Lord for the most beautiful gift He had just given us. soctt has cared so well for our little girl, he has bought her puppets to play together with and lets her watch wrestling with him. he has encouraged her in all her successes and loves her so well...i wish i could write better what it is that i would like to say about him. scott is a great father, one who is whole heartly willing to care for and love his little girl. as a mother, i am so thankful for a man like him...he really is the greatest.

Wow... that was quite the gift that sophie passed along :)I'm so thankful for Ruthie's solid poos... seriously! What a cute picture of her in the carseat.
did you get your hair cut? cause I love it!
together! yay!
I was wondering about your cute new hair, too ...
Okay, I love your blog. Your writing style. Your wit. Your pictures. You never fail to make me style. I love you. J.
Uh "make my style'??? That should read . . . smile!
I feel so sick...
Was up last night hunched over the toilet (but I still came to work).
And even though I feel disgusting...
Those last three pictures made me laugh so hard... I honestly have tears running down my cheeks!
Andy and I had a good laugh at the "present" Sophie gave her dad! Good one, girl! Bet he won't forget that on his first Father's day!
Glad you are all together again and could enjoy the day!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful Fathers' Day! I'm glad that your time on the Island has been such a blessing so far. Can't wait to see your happy trio at Brian and Helen's BBQ on Saturday.
Love, K
priceless!!! nice move, Sophie. and the mischievous grin on her face while sitting diaper-only in the car seat is awesome.
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