Thursday, November 28, 2013

summer adventures

i write these thoughts, of these adventures for our girls.  i write that they would know how we spent our days, how we chose to do life and by whom we were blessed.  our moments are important, they hold value and build into our characters, our beings.  they help to shape our values and desires, they don't define us but they create in us a piece of our hearts.  and so i recount our summer adventures.  our moments, small as they may be, leave lasting impressions, lasting memories and they are cherished.

recorded through photographs, these are our days spent at a dear friends lake, shared with others who hold our heart strings tightly.  we develop community here, we pour into each other, we help when we can, listen with our whole hearts, hold sweet babies that are not our own, we love and serve each other.  ash says it is the closest thing to true community we will experience this side of heaven.  and i believe her.

we spend our summer days together, the four of us mamas with our multitude of children.  our adventures are simple.  our adventures are fulfilling because these people bring the truth of Jesus with them in their words and actions, everyday.  and i count that a blessing.  i count that pure joy.

we camp.  we play.  we giggle.  we get frustrated.  we pray.  we cry.  we rejoice.  we grow.  together.  

  these are pieces of our summer days.  and in them all, i give thanks.  thanks to the almighty Lord for bringing such amazing people to my side, to walk through life with, the mundane and the exciting, the heavy and the light.  blessings.


jenne said...

blessed. and a blessing, you are.
i give thanks too.

Anonymous said...

cor. you are an absolute treasure. and quite easy to love. I heart life with you!