Friday, August 9, 2013


with grandma on her very own adventure and moved, we continued on our journey.  the next leg was spending time with friends.  rob and sam with emily and olivia was the first stop.  we parked the tailer in the meadow and spent our time enjoying cups of tea, beautiful conversations that challenged my heart, and moments together that built upon our friendship.  i will always be so very thankful for this family and their friendship to us.
we celebrated fathers day with a quick trip to tofino.  we stopped at all the normal places along the way, tea in port alberni, gas just past port, park stop in tofino and then on to chestermans beach.  this trip we picked up two extras that we found along the way...kat and chett fichett, who are part of the hallway living at trinity.  we rode, jumped waves, built sandcastles, sat and listened to the roll of the waves and enjoyed amazing company.  maybe a favorite day for me, something about salt water in your hair and the smell of neoprene on your skin that does it for me.  shared experiences, moments and smiles that are not easily lost or forgotten.  time with others is valuable and cherished in my heart. time spent in creation, the smells, the sights and sounds.  i could have stayed there forever.
reluctantly we piled into the truck to head back at the end of a great day.

our days following included horseback riding, more tea and conversations, more 'grandma attic' readings at night time, more time, time with each other, time to just be together.

these were our days with the baus and fitchetts.  from here we rolled down island to camp imadene where more friends and adventures awaited us.


kelly ens said...

oh, this looks fun! I love reading the memories you make with your family and friends. i always have seen you to be someone who is intentional and purposeful in living heart-full.

franks said...

Ahhh. She's back in blog land and all is well in my world.

Keep 'em coming friend. Your photos, your words, your heart...they make my day!

(we WILL adventure together with our families one day...sooner than later)

Unknown said...