Monday, August 13, 2012

things you just gotta do.

in a conversation around our dinner table with our friend matt, who had been discussing his dislike of raisins, our five year old daughter pipes up with this line; sophie: "matt, it's just like wiping your bum. you just gotta do it. i don't always like it, but i always do it. it's the same with raisins. sometimes you just gotta eat them, even if you don't like them." there were no come backs worthy of her words. instead he just said; matt: "yeah, soph, something like that, something like that." and continued to laugh.


kelly ens said...

oh goodness, that is AWESOME!

franks said...

Oh Sophie. I wish we could have little chats everyday. I bet you would really help keep (*put) things in perspective!!!

Russ and Carmen said...

that's awesome! funny little gal....

Anonymous said...

man, i miss that girl!