Monday, July 9, 2012

records part two

{leg two}
day six
-june 14-
we spend the morning digging and playing at the beach. we find shells and rocks, drift wood and other collectibles, we leave them all behind when we head back for lunch. with full tummies we hit the road again, this time our destination is beachside state park. it is a short drive but penny still can't keep her eyes open. after setting up camp we take our shoes off and walk the beach, exploring, writing in the sand, finding treasures, enjoying creation. we may even look for unique pieces that have washed up from japan. we pretend even if we don't really find much. the night is stunning and the stars call out the name of their Creator.
day seven
-june 15-
the sun is bright and warm. we can think of nothing better than sitting and playing on the beach. we tuck our buckets under our arms, lather on the sunscreen and put some treats in the backpack. it's a beach day, all day.
{grumpy face from extremely cold water...i was trying to convince him this was just like going to hawaii}
{nana face}
day eight
-june 16-
with plans to move on we spend the morning at the beach. the girls have made their first friend and had spent the night visiting with her, we now spend the morning with her and her grandma on the beach. we say our sad goodbyes after lunch and carry on to beverly beach. the fog is coming in hard and heavy and as we drive we can hardly make out the coastline. pulling into beverly with the fog on our tails we spend the rest of the day at a park, which of course involves monkey bars. after dinner scott pulls out an exciting thing he has kept hidden since we started. can't tell you the name because i have forgotten it, but once these little white guys hit the ground they pop and bang which of course leads to tremendous amounts of laughter. once the girls are in bed we sit quietly and listen wide eyed to the somewhat elevated conversation of the campers across from us, awesome.
day nine
-june 17-
happy fathers day. i continually fall more in love with this man, he brings such richness to our lives. i love to watch him interact with our girls, he is patient and kind, gentle and lovely with them. he encourages their ideas and listens well to their stories. he prays with them and teaches them of the love of Jesus. he plays with them and thinks of some of the greatest adventures to share with us. he has had to make sacrifices to be the dad that he chooses to be and for this i could not say thank you enough. he makes an effort with our family, an effort that seems to come naturally to him, although i know that it doesn't, it can't for we are sinful creatures. i am not sure of the words to write to communicate how thankful i am to stand beside him, to raise these girls together, to say that we love him.
we try to say i love you on a foggy day at beverly beach.


kelly ens said...

LOVE! The pictures, the words, the memories you're making.

And please, ask Scott what those white things are called - i'm interested :)

Kacey Haffner-Bruce said...

"pop its" ;) we brought them too! hehe

Unknown said...

Wow... What an adventure.. you are so great..lovely family...hope to join you soon...