Wednesday, September 7, 2011

two wheels

kind of a big day for us yesterday, sophie learned to ride a two wheeled bike.
she has been cruising for about a year now on a push bike, with her little radio in her basket she takes off down the the paths around the university. this summer, her friends came over and her buddy charlee was on a two wheeler...with peddles. it had not even really entered my mind to change it up to a peddle bike. the girls and i were on the island, and scott bought a new bike. after dinner last night we went to the laundry room which was hiding her bike. at first she was so excited, then seeing the peddles, she hesitated a little, "mom, i don't know if i can do peddles" we encouraged her to try. outside she was a little anxious, eyes on the ground and a little wobbly. i had scott run to the end of the path, i told her to keep her eyes on her daddy, she looked up, put her feet on the peddles and has not stopped riding since. she cruised around the "loop" where four students were playing sand volleyball, knowing us, they stopped their game and cheered on sophie as she rode past...are you kidding, what kid gets the encouragement of so many others. we came inside and she ran to look for chelly and emily who came outside to watch. then matt came home and took her out for a five minute bike date, just the two of them, they cruised the pathways of trinity western. it was a sweet night, reminded me of just how much i have to be thankful for, especially living here.
this morning, we rode again...she rang her bell and asked students to get out of her way...fearless really, not sure i would ask a whole gang of dudes, to move for me. penny rode with the radio this morning, first time, and sang her little heart out. the girls were taken to the cafeteria for popsicles by their buddy julia. and we start another year, so blessed.


jenne said...

blessed indeed. and oh so deserving.

missin' you sweet friend... & your little ones. (xo)

kelly ens said...

FANTASTIC!!! go sophie!!! :)

rachel joy said...

love this! I can imagine the beaming smile on your face, such a proud mama!