i may have the most beautiful husband in the world.
his words made me cry.
that man, he makes my world spin.
i continue with the second part of our island trip...
goldstream park, always a favorite. it's the smell and the trees, this place is simple maybe that is why i like it. we walked the trails to the tunnel and then found the waterfall. we spent some time trying to see who could make the biggest splash, i was surprised to see my mom participate so well i think she won. i tried taking pictures, for some reason the girls got a new "look" while we were away and i think it is here to stay, can't say i like it.

we headed up to parksville to see grandma. we picked her up and headed to coombs for lunch. we discovered a new restaurant that took us to the heart of italy, i believe i will be going back to sit beside the fireplace in fall. we walked the emporium, saw the goats on the roof, ate ice cream, fed the rabbit under the house and just puttered. we spent a few moments at grandmas house playing with kurok, sophie tried to lock him in the garden but when asked what she was doing assured us that was not her plan...and then, an evil laugh came out when she dropped the lock across the fence, her on one side, the dog on the other. with kurok free we finished our time upisland at the beach with dinner. the girls continued their new found love of treasure hunting while my moms sat and talked. the sun was setting and it made a pretty wonderful ending to a great day.

my grandparents and sister and matt came for lunch and it ended with art lessons from sophie. my grandpa, who turned 89 this year sat beside my 4 year old daughter and drew pictures with her. she told him what colors to use where, he didn't seem to mind. he drew her a picture of the arctic complete with an inuit, polar bear, narwhal, and a few other animals. she seemed very pleased with his abilities. it touched my heart. i come from a good place.
when all had gone my mom and i headed to the lagoon for the second annual pizza dinner on the beach. i promised to only take one picture of the girls, i lied. they dug for more treasures, jumped off logs holding tightly to one another, and then thought it okay to venture into the water as the sun set. my mom then offered them ice cream from dairy queen. i think her mad sometimes. we went, we laughed, it was worth it.

first i joined my sister at the swap and shop. a first for me. we entered the speedway where the tables were set up, i think my mouth was open too wide, she stopped me to ask me what i was looking at, i replied by saying we don't have these kind of people in langley, redneck kind of people, i made her laugh. they play a game, who can get the most stuff for the least amount of money...i think i won, scored some sweet new items. we couldn't stay long though so headed back to my moms house to start the next part of our days adventure. we were to hit up beacon hill park...all of us. and by all of us i mean my mom, dad, sister, sisters boyfriend, myself and the girls. my parents aren't together. it was maybe one of my favorite days all together. there was effort, which is huge to me. we patted the goats, my dad and sisters friend tried to pick up and maybe even steal a pig, sophie experienced a donkey pooping...again. we headed to the park, where we swung, jumped off really high structures and enjoyed each other. on the way home sophie told my parents that they needed to love one another again, which gave me sweaty armpits, but they laughed. it has been a difficult experience, having to explain to a child why your parents no longer live together. my answer, that they no longer loved one another and were not kind to each other...she therefore told them what needed to happen to solve the problem.

it was time to go home. not sure how my mom mustered up the energy to drive us to the ferry, but bless her heart, she did. it was a great time, as always. we made memories, took way too many pictures and were blessed by all that we left behind. that island, i really love it, it's home to me and yet it seems we are not to be there right now, and that is okay because we are so blessed where we are. but one day, i think we will be there again. it holds our family and they are pretty important to us.
again, i love it all. the words, the pictures, the memories. what sophie said to your parents...priceless. :)
I swiped the pic of Mama Werdal and the girls laughing. Might be my all time fav pic of her.
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