Friday, February 12, 2010


there are those who the Lord gives us as treasures, as blessings. they bring a little extra beauty into our lives. they giggle with us and share secrets we probably shouldn't share. they teach us what it looks like to love. i was handed such a treasure in college. i was wearing blue cord pants and a black fleece shirt, she was way too cool for me, but she loved me anyway.
these days we dry tears, play hide and go seek, introduce school ideas, take away toys, give time outs, and love with all our hearts. between us there are five beautiful little children, age four and younger. our greatest privilege - watching them love each other, watching them share a little piece of their heart with each other.
by age; charlee, sophie, bodhi, penelope, jane when building forts one must take into consideration the dangers you may encounter. these are them, these are our days together. they are treasured, they are beautiful, work goggles and all.