Tuesday, November 11, 2008

how much

i have a question: how much is too much? how much time do you spend with someone before you wear out your welcome? before you have spent too much time with them? signs and symptoms of too much: a. when every time you get into the car, you are asked repeatedly until your destination if you are going to see max and marty b. when random songs about max and marty are sung nearly every afternoon c. when your daughter asks if you can pray for marty at the dinner table d. when in the middle of the night your daughter wakes up saying, "bye bye marty, bye bye marty" answer: we may be spending too much time with the zalinkos


rachel joy said...

oh the bliss of destiny!

MamaZ said...

I think someone's in love!

rachel joy said...

never too much!

kelly ens said...

SO cute!!! (and a little in love!)

sharon said...

thats actually really hilarious...