
can hardly believe it is december already. last year we were in true winter conditions and ready to have a baby...this year...we pretend we are cold and watch terrible drivers attempt to exit a parking lot. i was tempted to call an old friend, joan, and let her know that in such conditions, as little snow as there is, there would be no school, and no going to work!

last year i would watch in wonder as students would struggle against the snow and wind and walk to school. to my understanding and knowledge, when it snowed, no matter how much, school was i was excited, thinking that somehow school and work were connected, i would eagerly ask scott pretty much every day if he would get to stay home from work and play with me in the snow...joan, the lady i mentioned, simply laughed at me and reminded me that i no longer lived on the coast and that my husband would have to attend matter the amount of snow on the ground. but here i am back on the coast and loving the fact that we are "home" bound due to the laughable amount of snow on the ground.
so then, what did we do today with this snow...
i baked and watched my family play as only the werdal family would...

with wrestlers and video games...are you serious. i try to make my home up with the warmth of Christmas, even though my mom says my decorations are lame, but regardless, i try, and i am met with this. i want so bad to create an environment that demands one stop and understand what the glory of the season is really about, i want to have warmth, songs that sing of the birth of Christ, smells that remind you of home, a door that really anyone would be glad they entered...and instead, what do i have? a husband and child that would rather sit and sing to the theme song of stone cold steve austin, than take a romatic walk in the snow with me. a husband and child that would rather play with their controllers than experince the wonder of Christmas through apple cider and the greatest Christmas movie of all, "white christmas".
i suppose i should not be surprise...this is very common in our house...

scott is very proud of his girl!

well, now you know the heartache of our home, i shall conclude and sign off with pictures that will hopefully help you know that i really am a good mom and i don't always let sophie sit and play games with her dad.

thanks for reading,
stories from the werdals.
I always enjoy your stories and pics.
do I notice a little barette in Miss Sophie's hair???? I echo you my dear...I decorated the christmas tree last night to the sound of Green Day!!!!! White Christmas....BEST EVER!!!!!!!!
I love all of your coats. So cozy. Thanks for saying no to our men going out tonight. I got to go for a little drive with my family and now papa has a new truck and our life can move on.
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