yeah for days spent together as a family...something that is of so much importance to me, something that i think we have started to loose in this western culture. there is really nothing more important to me than having a family that loves well and works well. and i believe that we will be held accountable for this before our God. our time is His, our families are His, it is our responsibility to care for and cherish them well. time today is wasted and we say we don't have enough of it...that is not okay for me, we have more than enough time, we have to choose what we do with it.
being back in bc means many out trips and adventures amongst the trees...even though some claim that there are trees in alberta, we just smiled and nodded our heads! so we headed off across the river to golden ears for a little family time on a hike up to the lower falls

...a stroll really, as i was hit hard by a cold and sophie was a little less than excited...i felt bad for scott, all he wanted was to do was take his family on a little adventure, all i wanted to do was sit and watch the river with no responsibilities, all sophie wanted to do...i am not too sure actually.

she was pretty funny once we got over the headache of listening to her, she would cry and cry and then as soon as she saw someone coming down the path she would stop and act as though nothing was wrong. as soon as they were out of sight, back to the crying...i am a little worried about what is to come with that girl...and people say we can't have just one baby...i don't think "they" truly get what kind of a child we already have!

there were some good points to this hike. sophie ended up not crying when she was out of her we played a bit on the beach by the river, she ate gravel, and showed me all her rocks. scott and i reveled in joy with the peace and quietness around us. she was pretty funny, she has started to give kisses...with an open mouth. and as a mother i try to accept them, but they are kinda gross!

anyway...long story short. we ended up with a great memory, time in the trees and time together...i am not saying it was the best time we ever had, i am just saying that we had that time together, and that is what counts.

Love to read what you are gifted buds...this is a fun trip down memory lane!!
good thoughts, good pictures. hope to see you soon. My love comes home to me in 3 days!
I get now, after spending two months in B.C., why you would smile and nod about the trees in Alberta really...Lethbridge does have a lot of trees....compared to Saskatchewan. You are beautiful.
We miss you guys! We were were not happy when we heard that Scott was no longer working at the church in Lethbridge, but we ARE happy that you'll be around the Lower Mainland when we're there for Christmas. CAn't wait to see you and meet Sophie. I love the pictures!
Carmen :)
Loved the story :) and photos...
Ruth would cry like that too most times we tried to get out and about in the woods...
she's better now - only now she doesn't fit into the backpack!
oh well... one day she'll be able to hike herself! (and date, and drive... oh my)
your family is cute :)
Sophie is still the most perfect little girl there is. I miss her and her parents tons. At least I get to watch her grow through your blog! Which I love to read. Even though you throw rocks at my beloved Alberta. The one with all the wonderful sunshine....
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