Monday, February 28, 2011


conversation at the lunch table.
sophie shared her secret with her dad,
she leans over and whispers "i love you"
her dad smiles and tells her he has a secret to tell her,
in her ear he says, "i love you too."
not yet satisfied sophie says,
"i love you more, i love you so and so and so and so and so (counting on her fingers to ten) much"
with his eyes wide scott replies,
"that's so many so's i don't know what to do with them all"
without hesitation sophie encourages him,
"put them in your heart and give them to Jesus, He'll know what to do with them."
we locked eyes, smiled and maybe choked back a tear.

Friday, February 25, 2011

days of sun

there are few things in this life that i cherish more than sunny cold days.
days where we can wear sweaters and toques,
ride our bikes and
sing our hearts out.
i only wish i had a basket on my bike that held my radio.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

a day together

i have the most lovely of husbands to share my days with. he is kind, beautiful and in every way uplifting and Godly. his words warm my heart and his actions bring a smile to my face. i met him over thirteen years ago...i met him and was slowly introduced to who he was and his wrestler figure collection over time. they were something that i admit i had wished he would grow out of, but now, i love them...not here in my little living space, but there, in his office. i do love them, i love them for showing me a different side, for reminding me that we all have little things in us that bring us smiles, little things that bring out the 'nerd' in us...i have many. they remind me of the child like spirit we all contain, and the ability we have to create with our imaginations. they give me hope, hope in a time where there seems to be so much dark and grossness. hope that simple joys are possible.
we spent the day together yesterday...the whole day. we drove to the mountains and rode, just the two of us. it has been years...maybe five of them to be exact, since i have strapped a board to my feet. i was nervous. a little anxious, but so excited. the sun outlined every peak and valley through the range. the air was crisp and cold, clear and breathtaking. as i crested one hill i exclaimed, Jesus you are amazing...then smiled...dude, i just said that really loud! we rode all day together, didn't exchange much in the way of words, but many smiles and glances. those little looks as you peer over your shoulder and catch eyes with one another, they make my heart pound. to hear him carve behind you and then see him out to the side taking a little jump...time together, shared experiences, moments that seem little but mean the world to me. we used to ride baker together when we were in school, it was so amazing to have the chance to do it again. my heart lives for little adventures, for laughing at icicles in his beard, for silent moments holding hands, for seeing the beauty of our God in the greatness of the mountains. blessings, so many blessings we have.
as i write this he is sitting in the living room with his guitar, singing praises to our God. has to be one of my favorite things about him. cool dude with a massive beard and sweet outfit, just worshiping the Lord.
it is about the simple things. wrestling figures, guitars and time together. we are built for relationships, built for relationships with one another and relationships with our God. i am most blessed.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

tiny dancer

miss kelly and miss sarah hold the hearts of these tiny dancers. they seem to be in awe and can hardly take their eyes off their teachers. as parents we are not allowed to watch, but this day was an open house for us...i watched through my lens and held back a few tears. i find it amazing to watch their engagement and respect for others, her smile grew only bigger as the class continued. her in her pink. she stole my heart...again.
hold me closer tiny dancer

Sunday, February 6, 2011

prayers by sophie

..and bless you Lord and i hope you have a good time in our hearts and i hope you have enough food to eat...amen.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


i should not be surprised, nor should anyone else who knows our girls, that this is what happens when you allow them the chance to choose their very own...swimsuits. we get a whole year of these...and they have only had them for a day.