Monday, February 9, 2009

a day of firsts

today was a day of firsts...and though they both have a long (long) way to go, today was the starting point. i know that in my family, and scotts as well, we were told that when bringing home a report card what mattered most was the effort mark...lets be honest, the letter grade also counted, but for the most part what our parents wanted to see was that there was effort being put in. so today i post these pictures and write about these first with the full knowledge that if i were to receive any sort of mark it would not be anything over a C, but i am hoping for a solid G for effort. first number one... sophies pigtails. her hair has been slow going (no thanks to her dad) since her first birthday, but lately people have been commenting that she is starting to get hair and look like a girl. i thought that pigtails were out of the question as i have often pulled her hair back in my hands only to discover a rather hideous mullet as the top was too short to reach the pony tail i was creating in the i left it. until today. something inside me gave me the courage to try something new, something exciting, something girly...pigtails. the result... first number two... cake decorating...lets get the making part right first. so really this is not a first as the first looked like this, please don't ask any questions, just keep your comments to yourself! the second i know is not anything to write home about, but it turned out and really that is all that matters, especially as it is to be eaten by a bunch of university students who are just plain hungry and could care less what it is they are eating as long as they are eating. so these are my accomplishments for the day. i have a friend who wrote about celebrating i am, celebrating my firsts. and the rest of the pictures as really just random, i will walk you through them... the girls just before church, i thought it started at 10 but it is 10:30, so really this could be included in my firsts, being ready for church thirty minutes before need be. a little sing a long time sitting on the pampers box in front of the tape deck...yes, the tape deck.
"if you are happy and you know it say amen...amen..."
"if you are happy and you know clap your hands...clap clap"

Saturday, February 7, 2009


i suppose i should be thankful for the fact that my eldest child is listening to me and understanding the words that i say...until...this afternoon in the car we hear sophie say to penny, "hold my hand penny, RIGHT NOW" i looked at scott and laughed...i guess that is what i sound like!